Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello people in the computer screen that I can't see or hear but I know are there. Today was culinarily speaking a success. I had a craving for the other white meat so tonight's dinner was pork tenderloin, cheesy rice and steamed garlic butter broccoli. Yummy! I'm so full right now as I type this that it almost hurts.

The tenderloin is a nice cut of meat because it is so tender and it holds in most of it's juices. The one thing I hate about meat is that it gets dry; this is why I tend to order my steaks medium rare. I found a teriyaki flavored tenderloin at the commissary that asked me if it could come home with me and get in my oven. What was I supposed to say? A good southern woman never says no to such a polite dinner request. My hands were tied...really.

Another nice thing is how easy it is to cook. Here is the ghetto version of the receipe.
Captain's Log: Sept.2, 2009- Wednesday

~ get you a pork tenderloin. they look like this:

~ put it in a foil lined pan

~ turn the oven on to 375 or whatever your favorite number is on the dial. Some times I just give it a spin and it lands on what it lands on.

~ then get your side items...we did cheesy rice and steamed broccoli
~cook the sides according to the directions on the packages.
~ check the pork, it should cook 20 mins per pound.
~ when it is done throw it on a plate and if you listened and followed directions carefully it should look like this:


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