Sunday, September 6, 2009

"It's Shake and Bake and I heeeeelped."

Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers this commercial...please? So I am fully convinced that it was a woman who created this box full of yummy. I don't remember how it was packaged years ago, but when I used it there was a plastic bag and another bag of seasonings.

It would appear that as long as the meat that you are cooking will fit in the bag you can shake it and then bake it. I suppose that if it doesn't fit you can just use a larger bag, but then you probably wouldn't have enough seasonings. Wow, cooking is difficult! There are so many things to think about and consider.

Since we were eating high off the hog for the past two nights I decided to switch to another white meat and we went with chicken. BAGOK! Cluck, Cluck! I don't know why I just did that, but it was what came out of my mouth as I was typing so I put it in. I have vowed to keep it real with ya'll, cuz that's how I roll.

Alllllllllllllrighty then (15 points if you know where I got that from) so since we decided to go with chicken I thought it best to pair it with some noodles and broccoli. We do like broccoli here and we don't hide it. It's so easy to make and good for you and also very alkaline (see Gram, I do listen). Oh and did I mention how cheap it is?

Ok, enough fooling around, let me cut to the chase and get to the part that you have been eagerly anticipating. The recipe:

Captain's Log- September 4, 2009, Friday

~ for this particular recipe I used chicken breast cutlets. Honestly, that's not the cut I intended on buying but it's what jumped in the cart.

~ Robert insists that I wash all of the meat off before cooking, so do that or else he will get upset. Have ya'll ever heard of doing that before? It was new to me, but then again everything about cooking is new to me.

~ get out your box of Shake and Bake and drop the chicken into the bag, add the seasoning and shake it, shake it, shake it! "Shake it...don't break took your momma nine months to make it!" It is required to sing this part of the song while you are shaking the chicken, if you don't it won't come out right.

~ do the standard: line a baking dish with aluminum foil and cook the chicken until it's done.

~ get you a package of Lipton noodles, we went with the buttery flavor. I figured that you can't go wrong with anything that says "buttery" on the label.

~ make the noodles according to the instructions on the package. For the broccoli add it to boiling water and cook for a few mins...not too long or it will be mushy. Robert does not like mushy broccoli.

~ when it is all done put it on the plate and eat!


  1. Haha! You make me laugh! :D

  2. Ahhh. Sweet sweet shake and bake...yum. I have a portobello burger recipe you gotta try once I finish tweaking it :-) I'll pm it to ya.
    ~Mrs. Brink
