Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 5

Good Morning! It is Friday the 13th and I have always had good luck on those days. One year I got a call, after an interview for a job that I really wanted, to say that I got the job! There have been other good things that have happened to me, but I can't think of them right now. Let's just say that nothing *bad* has happened to me on those dates.

Well my good luck has continued this time too! The diet is going pretty well. I have found that small amounts of food are filling me up (that has never happened to me before) in fact that's why I'm fat. I do still have cravings for sweets and I'm sure I always will, but moderation is the key. I'm saving my sweets for thanksgiving! Bring on the pie baby!!

11/13/09 Day 5 (-9lbs)

Breakfast: Apple; 60 cals

Lunch: 2 eggs, pinch of cheese, 2 sausage patties; 300 cals


Yerba tea: 2 glasses

Exercise: none so far, I hope to walk the dogs by the end of the day.

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